A Message from Michael

Hey everyone!  Michael Lombardi here.  It has been a hectic year with recording, filming, touring the east coastand just trying to find time to chillax.  The one constant motivator has been you guys and gals though.  Just seeing your smiling faces in the audience while singing along to our music and all of the kind words and support you have shown us has kept me, and the rest of the guys, going this last year.  We can’t wait to visit each and every amazing town in America!  And we are currently working on exactly that!  While writing new material we are also in the midst of planning a nationwide tour to allow everyone a chance check out one of our live shows!  We will give you more info on that as it becomes available.  Once again I can’t emphasize enough how much your generosity has fueled us on this journey and we just hope we can return the favor.  Be well and hopefully we will see all of you in the very near future.
Much love,